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Accretions and Mutations: Limited Edition - Shawn Lee

$36.00 SGD

Accretions and Mutations: Limited Edition
Shawn Lee, narrativeforms

Accretions and Mutations document and juxtaposes frames of transcribed photographs, analysing the sedimentation and layering of time, culture, and everything in between. Weirdly liminal images speaks of alternate realities, one that illustrates the accumulation or contorsioning of the norm. In a rapidly modernising world, the stresses of loss; to culture, time based accumulations, and traces of society, is real. The zine captures my anxiety towards that inquiry and documents the weirdness of the everyday, hoping to convey the heteroclitic horrors of the everyday forms, one that is twisting and conforming to the pressures of society and modernisation.

SGD $36
38 Pages
A5 Booklet, Landscape
Self-Published by Shawn Lee @narrativeforms, 2024

Limited Edition Print, in Metallic Silver
Each book comes with a free photo print, featuring one of the photos from the zine.